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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Fire Departments of Scott County

Fire Departments of Scott County

Fort Blackmore VFD becomes an EMS Agency for BLS Non-Transport

FBVFD Became an EMS Agency today, 06-27-06. This had been in the works since 2000. We had purchased a Chevy Ambulance {707} and had it lettered and striped for service. Then another Ambulance became available. We purchased it and equipped it for service. We went through a lot of tape to get where we are today, but we think it was worth it. Our meeting with the Southwestern Virginia EMS Coordinator went smoothly: we were able to show that the vehicle was ready to roll and that our paperwork was ready. Our Rescue Sergeant did a top knotch job of getting things ready for inspection. We went ON LINE as a Non-Transport BLS Provider for Scott County, VA, at 1530 hrs. Congratulations to the Department for a job well done, and to our Rescue Sergeant, many thanks.