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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

New Membership Explosion

Fort Blackmore Vol. Fire Dept. has received an influx of new members.  You too can join. Five new firefighters are being trained and are receiving their full membership through the board of directors. We hope and pray for their safety, for coming and going to the scene, for on-the-scene safety, and training safety.  We also hope that their commitment stays strong, and they plan to stay with us for many years. We intend to equip them with turn-out gear, radios, and pagers, and other equipment, as finances permit.

If you would like to join our Fire Department, contact the Chief at 995-2035 or email us at fbvfd7@gmail.com .  Our website, www.fortblackmorefire.com is down for the count, and probably will not be reinstated at any time in the near future. You can always leave a voice mail at the above number.

Our training days are the 1st and 3rd Monday night of each month, at 1900 hrs. [7pm]
We are willing to take anyone as a firefighter.  Just realize that there may be situations or jobs that you do not care for or cannot do. We will take anyone, male or female, over their 18th birthday.  We used to have junior firefighter positions, but because of state law we discontinued them. Times are changing, and we may reconsider, but as of this time, we will not take members under 18 years of age.

Everyone has a position to take during fire situations.  Firefighting is the second most dangerous job in America, and being a volunteer firefighter does not exempt you from that danger.  We need firefighters, male or female, 18 years or older, qualified drivers who have certified through the Virginia Dept. of Fire Programs and have no criminal record and received no tickets in the last few years, honest persons, search and rescue members who are willing to be certified by the Chief of the Department, mechanics, carpenters, and all sorts of small jobs.  Just because someone has told you that you can't do something, doesn't mean you can't if you qualify for that position.  Clear it with the Chief of the Department, and you're in. We take all comers who have a clear record with the VSP and local law enforcement. [You'll be working with them. A good relation with them is expected.]

We'll make it possible for you to take classes.  Classes such as Firefighter I, Firefighter II, Farm Machinery Extrication, Search and Rescue, First Responder, EMT, Confined Space Rescue, Vehicle Extrication, etc. are all offered through VDES.  If you complete the class and pass, our Department will make every effort to help you pay for the class, through our Board of Directors.

Become a firefighter for FBVFD. Become a "smoke-eater". Become a "jake".