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Thursday, October 22, 2015

Elections for 2016

Fort Blackmore Fire Department will accept nominations for officers 09 November, 2015, at their regular business meeting.  You must be a firefighter/member of Fort Blackmore Volunteer Fire Department, be in good standing, and have been a member for at least two years.

Business Meeting / Nominations : 09 November, 2015, 1900 hrs

Firefighter Standby - 1600-2000hrs - 31 October 2015

Firefighter Stand-by

Fort Blackmore Fire Department will conduct a 'candy hand-out' on Saturday, 31 October, 2015.  Candy is available until it's gone.  Candy is available to all present and former Fort Blackmore Primary School students.  This includes former Fort Blackmore Elementary School students.  The candy hand-out will begin at 1600 hrs [ 4pm ] and continue until the candy is gone - or 2000 hrs [8pm].  Come in costume or don't come in costume, it's up to you.

Click to go to Fort Blackmore web site

Fire Prevention at Fort Blackmore Primary School

Fire Prevention - 19 October, 2015

The Fort Blackmore Fire Department conducted it's annual Fire Prevention Week program to Fort Blackmore Primary School 2015.  Started at 2pm, on 19 OCT 2015. The Program consised of :
1.  Introduction to the program
     a. Thank You to Ms. Meade, Principal
     b. Thank You to teachers
 2.  Introduction of Firefighters to students
     a. Board Member Mrs. Debra Hensley
     b. Firefighter-Board Member Sammy Estep
     c. Chief Jim Currier
 3.  Discussion of Theme: "Firefighting in Fort Blackmore"
4.  Check List of Topics to cover briefly with students:
     a.  smoke alarms
     b. fire fighting equipment; personal gear
     c. question and answer
     d. calling 9-1-1
     e. burn blanket
5.  Fast Facts
     a.  half of all home fires are started by children five years old or younger
     b.  2 out of 5 home fires start in a bedroom
     c.  matches and lighters are for adults only
6.  Activity:  Smoke Blanket Relay for Kindergarten
7.  Line Up: Proceed outside
     a. Truck Crawl Through outside the school for all students
8.  Dismissal: return students to care of their teachers
9.  Thank you to all concerned: Ms. Meade, Teachers and Staff, School Board