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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Possible Buyer

Maxim Pumper 703


Fort Blackmore Fire Department has a possible buyer for their 1987 Maxim Pumper Truck.  Communications continues between the Department with a truck purchaser that sends fire engines to the Dominican Republic.  More information to follow.
Flag of the Dominican Republic

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Elections for Line Officers 2012

Elections for 2012 will be held the 2nd Monday in December at 1900 hrs at Fort Blackmore Fire Department. Board members and Firefighters are urged to attend. Interested civilians in the Department's District are invited to attend.
Volunteers are always needed, no matter what their abilities or talents. Volunteer firefighters go through a 90 day period before they are voted on by the Board and general Firefighters. Training is provided through the Department towards Firefighter general knowledge, driver training and certification, first aid, CPR, AED, motor vehicle extrication basics, water supply, Engine/Tanker basic knowledge, and other topics.

Come be a volunteer with Scott County's Bravest: Duffield Fire and Rescue, Dungannon Fire Dept., Gate City Fire Dept., Hiltons Fire Dept., Nickelsville Fire Dept., Nickelsville Rescue, Weber City Fire Department, Fort Blackmore Fire Dept., and Scott Co Life Saving Crew.
2012 FBVFD Current Officers:
Chief Eric Ross
Assistant Chief Jason Perry
1st Capt. Donnie Ray Saul
2nd Capt. Jim Currier
LT Josh Williams
Contact Information:
Fort Blackmore Fire Dept
11181 Veterans Memorial HWY
Fort Blackmore VA 24250
Emergencies: 911

Fire Prevention Week

Fort Blackmore Fire Dept

The Fire Department will conduct it's annual Fire Prevention Week program to Fort Blackmore Primary School on Wednesday, 10 October, 2012.  It all starts at 2pm. The Program will consist of : [time permitting]
1.  Introduction to the program and Thank You to Dr. Johnson, Principal
2.  Introduction of Firefighters to students
3.  Discussion of Theme: "Have 2 Ways Out"
4.  Question:  "How many ways should you know to get out of a room in your house 
     filled with smoke?"
5.  Check List of Topics to cover briefly with students:
     a.  smoke alarms
     b. home fire escape plan
     c. two ways out of every room
     d. family fire drill 2x's a year
     e. know how to call 9-1-1
     f. "get out and stay out"
6.  Fast Facts
     a.  half of all home fires are started by children five years old or younger
     b.  2 out of 5 home fires start in a bedroom
     c.  matches and lighters are for adults only
7.  Activity:  Smoke Blanket Relay
8.  Activity: Meet a Firefighter in full turn out gear, shake his hand, don't be afraid
9.  Truck Crawl Through outside the school
10.  Thank you for your participation; fire prevention materials will be given out to
       students at their classroom
11.  Conclusion and return to classroom

Tuesday, October 02, 2012


Pierce Fire Trucks, 2001

Candy Stand-by 2012
Candy Stand-by this year may not be on 31st October.  This traditional day lands on Wednesday.  Candy Stand-By may occur on Saturday, 27th October, so as not to conflict with a school night.  Firefighters will meet at Fort Blackmore Fire Dept around 1600 and hand out candy until it's gone or there are no more children coming into the station.  Children from Fort Blackmore Primary School and Dungannon Intermediate School and Head Start are welcome to come by the station at 11181 Veterans Memorial HWY in Fort Blackmore, at the intersection of Fire Drive and Veterans Memorial HWY.  Please be sure to bring a smile.  Firefighters are asked to assemble around 1600 to bag candy and make the station presentable.  See you then.

Devil's Fork Search and Rescue 23-24SEP2012

Fort Blackmore Fire Dept. and Duffield Fire & Rescue participated in Search and Rescue operations in the Devil's Fork Area of north-western Scott Co, VA. Members from both departments conducted command center and ground search for 3 missing teen-agers.  On the 23rd and 24th of September, 2012, members participated with Scott County Sheriff's Department and Virginia State Police to locate the subjects in the Three Forks region of the National Forest.  Med Flight 2 was employed twice to help pinpoint the location of the missing.  A Total of 7 teams were deployed, with the final two teams in search mode, on foot and ATV, at approximately 0200 on Monday morning.  The missing teenagers returned to command staging at exactly 0700. Incident Commmand secured at that time.  Fort Blackmore Fire wishes to thank all those who participated.